Page:The future of Africa.djvu/214

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address on laying the corner-stone

warm-hearted men and gentle women, the large charities and the heroic self-sacrifice of fearless nurses and physicians, yet Ave claim all for Christ. This stream of pitifulncss for the suffering has its rise in the merciful bosom of our own risen and glorified Lord. All the philanthropy of this world, whether flowing in legitimate or indirect channels, has been prompted by and caught up from this precious faith of Jesus. Whether men reclaim the drunkard, or free the poor slave, or give sight to the blind or hearing to the deaf, or rectify fractured limbs, they learned it all in the school of Christ. The religion of Jesus is the only one which cares for both body and soul. Wherever, in its practical workings, there is a forgetfulness or neglect of either of these portions of our humanity, there Christianity appears misshapen, one-sided, deformed; neither do her advocates gain any real advantage for her by excessive devotedness to one portion of man which is purchased by neglect of the other; indeed, that is a mere mockery of the spirit of Christ, which, while pretending solicitude for the spirit of man, is at the same time indifferent to his temporal estate. The religion of Jesus is a religion which lays hold of both body and soul for time and for eternity. And though Jesus has gone upon high, still He ever liveth. lie is ever present in his Church for good and blessedness for the whole, entire, compact being of man, one and undivided—the undying spirit, and the mortal frame, which at the resurrection is to be clothed upon with immortality.

7. We bless God for the holy religion of Jesus, which He has revealed to man. We bless Him for