Page:The future of Africa.djvu/265

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free colored med in america to africa.

the evangelization of the land of their fathers: 1st, on the ground of humanity; 2d, because they themselves are negroes, or the descendants of negroes, and are measurably responsible to God for the salvation of their heathen kin; and 3dly, I press the consideration of duty on the ground that they are Christians. In the good providence of God they have been enabled to pass out of the spiritual benightedness of their fathers into the high table-lands and the divine atmosphere of Christian truth and Christian conviction.

Now I shall not attempt stay formal argument in proof that black men, or, to use the new term, Anglo-Africans, are in duty bound to extend the Gospel in Africa, for I know enough of human nature to see that such an argument would look like the assumption that our brethren in the States were so ignorant that they did not know their duty as Christians. The very men who, perchance, would contest every other point in this letter, would charge me with insult, if I had just here put forth an argument to prove that Christianity requires black Christians to be missionaries as well as white ones. They would start up and exclaim: Do you think that we read our Bibles and yet remain ignorant of the evangelizing spirit of the Bible? Do you think that we are such fools as to suppose that the precepts and commands of Scripture have a color on them? And do you suppose that we are such ignorant creatures that you must needs present an argument to prove to us that Ave should manifest a missionary heart as well as other Christians? We do not need your