Page:The future of Africa.djvu/271

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free colored men in america to africa.

I make this reference on the ground that in the Church of God "there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit"; and "there are differences of administrations, hut the same Lord"; and "that the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal"; and yet again, that in the great work of Christ for the salvation of the heathen, even those very "members of the body [of Christ] which seem to he more feeble, are necessary."[1]

And, while fully agreeing to the affirmation, more distinctly stated by Dr. Wilson than I have ever seen it expressed before, that, "the idea of gathering up colored men indiscriminately, and setting them down on the shores of Africa, with the design or expectation that they will take the lead in diffusing a pure Christianity among the natives, deserves to be utterly rejected by every friend of Africa";[2] still it seems to me that he commits an error similar to that of rejecting the light artillery of an army, because the "cavalry" is a stronger arm of it.

Doubtless all the religious societies of colored people in America are humble, that is, as it respects literary and theological qualifications; and the African Methodist Church as much as any other. I do not think they themselves would make any pretensions. But have they fitness for practical usefulness?

We can only determine this by facts. Now this denomination has been in existence since 1790. It has gathered into its fold tens of thousands of the sons of Africa on American soil.

  1. 1 Corinthians xii. 5, 6, 7— 22.
  2. Wilson's "Western Africa," p. 507.