Page:The future of Africa.djvu/284

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the relations and duties of

who "having done all," still stand, must bear with those who leave. Hayti needs a protestant, Anglo-African element of the stamp Mr. Holly will give her. Jamaica is blessed by the advent in her midst of such a strong-minded, open-eyed, energetic spirit, as my old school-mate and friend Samuel R. Ward. And Liberia's wants in this respect are stronger than either of the above. You should learn willingly to give, even of your best, to save, and regenerate, and build up the race in distant quarters.[1] You should study to rise above the niggard spirit which grudgingly and pettishly yields its grasp upon a fellow laborer. You should claim in regard to this continent that "this is our Africa," in all her gifts, and in her budding grace and glory. And you should remember, too, with regard to emigrants, the words of that great man, Edmund Burke,—"the poorest being that crawls on earth, contending to save itself from injustice and oppression, is an object respectable in the eyes of God and man."

But it is time that I should draw to a close, for I have fallen into a too common fault: I have made too long a "palaver." My letter has run out to a greater length than I intended. And now I shall weary you no longer.

For near three centuries the negro race, in exile and servitude, lias been grovelling in lowly places, in deep degradation. Circumstance and position alike

  1. The 2d article of the Constitution of African Civilization Society sets forth my views in better language than my own: "The Evangelization and Civilization of Africa and the descendants of African ancestors, wherever dispersed."