Page:The future of Africa.djvu/291

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Psalm lxviii. 31.—"Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God."

I am requested to plead this evening on behalf of the Society established in this country, for the education of the Negro race in the British West Indies. I most readily comply with this request, because I regard this as one of the chief among the charities of England; and because I feel, that to advocate the claims of this Society is, as it were, to plead for my own life and blood, and to vindicate my own personal interests and advantages.

I use the paragraph which I have announced as my text, since it is singularly appropriate to the objects of this excellent association, and, also, remarkably coincident with the train of thought I purpose presenting to your consideration. The Ladies' Negro Education Society aims at and desires the mental and spiritual regeneration of the Negro race in the