Page:The future of Africa.djvu/293

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hope for africa.

and the Tigris, and there first distinguished themselves. There Nimrod, his son, laid the first foundations of empire of which we have any record, and founded Nineveh. Subsequently, the Cushites spread themselves abroad through Arabia, from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea. By and by, in process of time, a portion of them crossed the Red Sea and settled in Africa; and afterwards, as the remainder of the Cushite amily, who were settled in Asia, were gradually merged into other races, the seat of their strength and empire was transferred to Africa: and consequently in history, the African section of the Cushite family stands forth as the representative of the race. For although two other of the sons of Ham, that is, Mizraim and Phut, settled in Africa; yet they have had but little to do with generating that mighty hive of human beings which peoples the continent of Africa, whose numbers seem ever to swell more and more beyond all ordinary calculation as the missionary or the traveller advances toward the interior. The name Mizraim and his race seem connected only with ancient Egypt; for, from a very early period down to the present, the invasion of the Persian, the Greek, the Roman, and the Turk, has obliterated the distinctive marks of the sons of Mizraim: and hence in these our modern days, we find in Egypt a mixed race of people, and only the faint memory and the doubtful tracings of the aboriginal population. And so, to a certain extent, was it with Phut; he settled in the northwestern part of Africa; and although his family, too, in a partial degree, have remained intact, yet the presence, the influence, and the power of the Moors