Page:The future of Africa.djvu/300

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hope for africa.

Besides these various evidences of the progress of my race during the last half century, I must not fail to notice one striking fact: that is, that within this period, the black government of Hayti has come into existence; the African colony of Sierra Leone has been established—a colony which has already become the cradle of missions, the mother of churches, the parent of colonies. And, moreover, we see now rising with, we trust, hopeful indications, on the western coast of Africa, the lone star of the black Republic of Liberia.

And still another movement of a similar character is now projected by Englishmen, from your own West India Islands: a movement of brightest promise, even while yet in the bud; which contains within its folds the germs of a new African nationality of a civilized and Christian type. In the island of Barbadoes a society has been formed, under the patronage of the Governor, the Bishop, and other chief personages, whose object is to transplant colonies of black men from the West Indies to the coast of Africa. The black population have become interested, and have formed societies, and declare their strong spiritual