Page:The future of Africa.djvu/307

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hope for africa.

"modus operandi" of their Governments. Thousands of children are now regularly receiving instruction in our holy religion, and the enlightenment which comes from mental training.[1] Already one high-school has furnished a score and more of catechists and teachers; has produced three native young men, fit candidates for holy orders in the Church, who are preaching the Gospel to their own kith and kin in heathen darkness. This same school—the Fourah Bay Institution—has now a dozen young men fit candidates for holy orders; and another set of youths trained in the languages and in science, also preparing for sacred duties and the ministerial call. At another place on the coast, two other high schools are already in operation; two colleges, one on a large scale, are projected, and will soon commence operations. Indeed, so great, so increasing, and so important are the spiritual interests of the nations, that the Episcopal Church of America is now strengthening all its posts on the coast of Africa; and, to use the words of its Foreign Secretary, in a letter to myself, she expects that the Church there, that is, in Liberia, will soon be permanently established; and last year she commissioned a Bishop to head her movements in the mission there, in the Republic of Liberia. And since the consecration of Bishop Payne, the mother Church of England has met the needs and the demands of your own missions and African colonies by the consecration of the Bishop of Sierra Leone.

  1. Mr. Wilson says, (p. 24,) "more than 10,000 youths are now receiving a Christian instruction in the schools connected with the missions."