Page:The future of Africa.djvu/348

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the negro race not under a curse.

African race proceeded from Canaan, than the similar fact in Ireland and Spain is evidence that Europeans had such an origin.

6. whence is the origin of the negro race?

Here it may be well to give a passing notice to the question, Who were the progenitors of the Negro race?

The writer of this paper does not pretend to speak with certainty upon this question. The following, he thinks, is a true statement of the matter.

Africa was originally settled by the descendants of Ham, excepting his son Canaan. Ham himself is supposed to have emigrated to Egypt; and Egypt, in Scripture, is called the "land of Ham."[1] There he attained to state and eminence; and after his death, it is said, was deified by his descendants. The supreme deity Am of the Egyptians, it is stated, signifies his name: e.g., (H)am; and the Jupiter Ammon, in honor of whom a temple was erected, is supposed to indicate Ham.

Africa was peopled by Ham in the line of his three sons, Cush, Mizraim, and Phut.

1. Cush, the eldest, and undoubtedly the most distinguished of all the sons of Ham, appears to have been the great progenitor of the Negro race. His name is also associated, with distinction, with Asia. The records of these early periods of the world's history are by no means clear and distinct; but Cush appears to have gone, at first, into Arabia, between the Euphrates and the Tigris, the country sometimes

  1. Ps. cvi. 22.