Page:The future of Africa.djvu/40

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the english language in liberia.

exist, and those which are starting up everywhere along the coast and up our rivers, are English-speaking. So almost universally is this the case, that Dutch, French, and Sardinian vessels find an acquaintance with English an absolute necessity, and are lost without it.

Thus, by these varied means, the English language is gradually extending itself throughout this country, and rivalling the rude native tongues of our aboriginal population. Now all these divers streams of influence, operating daily and hourly all through the country, upon thousands of our native population, disclose to us a transforming agency, which is gradually subverting the native languages of our tribes. The influence is here; it is in operation; it is powerful. Every day by trading, by adventure, by the curiosity of the natives, by war at times, by the migration of tribes, by the hasty footsteps of fugitives—this English language is moving further and further interiorwards its centre, and sweeping abroad with a wider and wider circumference. Nor can it be resisted. It carries with it two mighty elements of conquiest: it is attractive, and it is commanding: 1. It is attractive, in that it brings cloth, iron, salt, tobacco, fish, and brass rods, and all the other divers articles which are wealth to the native, and excite his desires. Poor, simple, childish, greedy creature! he cannot rest satisfied with the rudeness of nature, nor with the simplicity of his sire ; and therefore he will part, at any moment, with the crude uncouth utterances of his native tongue, for that other higher language,