Page:The future of Africa.djvu/42

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the english language in liberia.

Christ, from the Atlantic to Timbuctoo, and all along both the banks of the Niger.[1]

Powerful as are these divers agencies in working out the end suggested, they arc far inferior to one other, which I must hold up to distinctive notice. Christianity is using the English, language on our coast as a main and mighty lever for Anglicizing our native population, as well as for their evangelization.

I have already referred, in part, to the work of Missions: but there are some peculiarities in this work which clearly show that Christ is going to put all this part of the coast in possession of the English language, English law, and the English religion, for his own glory. Hundreds of native youth have acquired a knowledge of English in Mission Schools, and then in their manhood have carried this acquisition forth, with its wealth and elevation, to numerous heathen homes. Throughout the counties, Bassa and Montserrada, the Methodists have raised up numbers, in the wilderness, whose daily utterance is English; and they are doing this more at the present time than ever before. We, who are living in this county, know well what a disturbing element, Missions, here, have been, both to Heathenism and to the Grebo tongue. But how great has been this Missionary transformation of the Grebo to English, very few, I

  1. There seems every probability that the whole of that part of Africa, called Nigritia, which includes what is termed the Negro race proper is to lie brought under the influence of the English language, by the agency of black men, trained under Anglo-Saxon influences, at the Tongas Mission, Sierra Leone, Mendi Mission, Liberia, English Accra, Lagos, and Abbeokuta.