Page:The future of Africa.djvu/68

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rise of that wondrous code of laws, that system of equity, order, and justice, that prolific, as well as mysterious, ecclesiastical polity, which makes the Jewish race the most singular and prominent; but which has ever since influenced the destinies of man in every way. more than any other cause in human history. We pass on to a later stage: and from the eastern side of the ^Egean we see the movement of small communities across its beautiful waters, to seat themselves on the fair shores of Greece; whither flowed the streams, now deep, now shallow, of all the world's high thought, its culture and refinement: and Greece stands forth in all history the central point of intellectual greatness, taste, and wisdom. But these existed not for Greece alone: all civilized Europe through the ages, civilizing and expanding Americans, Hindoos, Indians, and regenerated Africans; all men of thought throughout the earth, seize upon, and ponder, and strive to master these fine creations of the Grecian mind, as the great teachers of thought and genius.

The strong, active, energetic Roman rises before its with a fabulous origin, strangely contrasting with the real, actual life and bearing, which mark his strong hand and his iron sway for centuries. But though Roman history is the story of the mastery of might over right, of the abeyance of individual freedom, of the crushing out of national life, of splendid, but barbaric brute force; yet Rome has transmitted the legacy of two valuable principles to man—invincible energy, and that of law and government.

The Jew. the Greek, the Roman—types of re-