Page:The future of Africa.djvu/8

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"Joy to thy savage realms, Africa!
A sign is on thee that the great I AM
Shall work new wonders in the land of Ham;
And while he tarries for the glorious day
To bring again his people, there shall be
A remnant left from Cushan to the sea.
And though the Ethiop cannot change his skin,
Or bleach the outward stain, he yet shall roll
The darkness off that overshades the soul,
And wash away the deeper dyes of sin.
Princes, submissive to the Gospel sway,
Shall come from Egypt; and the Morian's land
In holy transport stretch to God its hand:
Joy to thy savage realms, Africa!"

Rev. William Croswell, D.D.

printer, stereotyper, and electrotyper,
48 & 50 Greene Street,
New York.

Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern
District of New York.