Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/117

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—"I am amazed, Elmira!—Should my apprehensions be true?"

—"I am confident, Carlos, they are. Behold, I know how they seduced thee. I was obliged to witness thy infidelity in Rosalia's arms; I was to join the conspirators against thy person—but what is yonder rustling,—Hear'st thou nothing Carlos?"

"'Tis nothing Elmira; thy mind is flurried."

—"It certainly was a noise I heard; take me in thy arms, dear Carlos, and there, at least, suffer me to die."

There actually was a rustling noise coming down a large pier-glass; but I feigned not to hear it; and did all I could to case her agitated mind. Nothing would avail, till I promised her to fly and take her with me with all possible dispatch.

In order to defend her, during the short time. I wanted to make the necesiary preparations, at least from open attacks, I left two trusty servants constantly with her in the same apartment, till I got every thing in readiness. All seemed auspicious for our