Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/131

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"Every one of us will bear you a hand. Wouldn't ye now do it, neighbours?"

Here the whole crowd answered: "Aye, aye; and heartily welcome!"

"And thou black-eyed little wanton," said the rustic; addressing himself to a fine, slender brunette more beautiful than the rest; I see your squinting looks. Would you have any objection to take this man for your husband?"

Here the cheeks of the ingenuous-maiden covered themselves with a thousand sweet blushes.

"Don t be such a child, Clara," continued the hardy ploughman. "You see, Sennor, she is my wife's youngest sister, and a pretty girl enough, and though a little saucy at times, yet a downright good-natured faithful wench. Why you blush again? Have I said too much in your favor?"

Here the beautiful brunette modestly advanced to me.

"Don't you believe him," said she; "I am quite good for nothing. But if your ho-