Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/141

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I could hardly defend myself from falling in love with the charming widow, and our intercourse had already grown so intimately familiar, that without offending her modesty, I had been permitted to ravish several fond kisses from her blooming cheeks.

One evening she thus related her story:

"My family is one of the most ancient in the kingdom. Five years ago, I married the man who was the choice of my heart. Fond of rural seclusion I retired to live with him in this castle. Wholly occupied with our loves, we promised each other in the happiest hours of sweet dalliance, never to cease our intercouse, even if death should part us. Soon after he died, and regularly returns hither every night."

—"I am astonished, Madonna, at what you tell me. Was there no third person present when you exchanged this vow?"