Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/146

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At this movement which was rather attended with a kind of impetuosity, the figure quickly startled and drew back, and by the cast of the moon-light I could plainly descry its face to be that of a man. This circumstance made me somewhat bolder, for I thought it was impossible to take a ghost by surprise. When the apparition found me get out of bed, it suddenly attempted to make its retreat, and even uttered an ejaculation, which I thought I knew by the found, and fancying it rather strange in the mouth of a spirit, I rushed at the being, and was convinced in this very moment, that it was a man I had to do with. He drew a dagger and attempted to thrust it through my heart, but the cuiras rendered me invulnerable. I seized my spectre by the waist and we both fell wrestling to the ground; the conflict continued a long while, during which the apparition made several unsuccessful passes at me with his dagger, but finding my self in danger of being overcome at daft, transported with rage, I drew my own poniard to save my life, and two stabs put an end to the combat.