Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/165

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--"What? Should I have been deceived again?—No, Elmira; tell me candidly, don't you recollect none of the particulars I have mentioned?"

"Not a syllable of the whole, my dear Carlos!"

—"Then this is the blood of an impostor!"———Here I threw down the handkerchief.

—"If your senses are not disordered, it certainly must be."

Thus the morning came amidst mutual raptures. We had a thousand things to say to each other, but our eagerness made us impart nothing. Never was language so poor, never reason so lost in amazement.

—"Here then," exclaimed I awaking, "shall be the end of my miseries! May Providence complete her work, and preserve thee to my faithful arms."

—"Ah! Carlos," returned she, "we shall this day celebrate a double meeting. I know your story, and hope you will spare me the recital of its grievous and aggravating circumstances. You have been insidiously and