Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/170

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this Papa? You always told me he would love me very much on his return."

Many live to see and feel much. But who that has not felt it, can express the rapture with which a parent receives the offspring of his love, and reads again in his infantine face, the moments of chaste delight that ushered it into being? Eloquence shrinks from the task, and the harmony of two wedded souls rivets itself faster, in the conviction of their being but one.

The day elapsed in forming plans and making arrangements for our future system of housekeeping. I solemnly promised Elmira, never to quit this charming retreat as long as her presence should embellish it.


Thus I had spent near four months in all the charms of rural occupation and retirement. I hoped yet to enjoy full as many years as I had counted days in this blessed state; but no human happiness is of