Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/184

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flection. Soon I heard some voices approaching from a gallery, whose opening I could faintly descry. I could even understand the topic and expressions of their talk. Some abused the inhuman cruelty of Don Carlos; others condemned my imprudence; while a few excused me, saying it was very natural for a weak female to become under similar circumstances, the victim of an artful and consummate villain. After a stoppage of several minutes at the farther end of the gallery, I saw a train of persons of both sexes, file off through the avenue, and enter the vault with piteous and sympathizing faces. Some were carrying candles, phials and glasses, others bore linen and other articles of female vesture. Looking about at the glare of reinforced light, I saw myself wrapt up in woollen, and several vases standing around me.

"When they discovered me fitting erect in the bier, they uttered several shouts of joy. In a few seconds they changed the shroud into a neat and comfortable dress, removed me into a spacious and airy apart-