Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/203

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particulars and adventures of my journey, gave me the following account respecting this surprising case and my own family concerns:

—"It is your mother," said he, "who on receiving the afflictive tidings of your death, sent the reward of four thousand pistoles, offered in the proclamation, which has been issued and fixed up in the public places of every city and town throughout the kingdom. I am grieved to inform you, that the poor lady has died since of a broken heart, leaving Don Antonio, your friend, sole executor of her last will, and the estates belonging either to her or you.

"As your family gave information, that at the time the bloody catastrophe was supposed to have been committed, you had set out to Paris, to meet two friends, Don Fernandos di Abengha and Don Bernardo, who had gone thither before you, the magistrates of this city and Alcantara, thought proper to present this circumstance to Don Florida da Blanca, the Prime Minister of State, who transmitted an official dispatch to our Am-