Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/205

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quit the kingdom, till some more satisfactory ecclaircissements respecting the perpetrators of the foul deed should have been made.

"They have not left their estates, till some time, in the beginning of this month, when owing to the active and constant exertions of Don Antonio, two servants, who formerly lived with him and had been discharged for an assault committed upon you, were apprehended on suspicion of being the murderers, owing to some threatening and malicious words which they at various times and places uttered against you, on account of having lost their places. Their landlord and several other persons have informed against them; they are in the prisons of the inquisition at Alcantara, and, thank God! you are arrived to save the poor fellows, as it must otherwise have gone very hard with them. The informers have, I understand, applied for the reward, which has wisely been refused till conviction. I will immediately write to the Correyidor of Alcantara to desire him to give orders that the fetters of the supposed delinquents be struck