Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/217

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or at least an accomplice in the crime, since he had absconded, and that had he been faithful, he must have been found murdered with his master. But all my logic could not dissuade her from the resolution she had taken, and she declared on her death-bed, that any one who should harass Alfonso with legal pursuits, would be the enemy of her name and family, as she was convinced, from reasons not to be divulged, of his incorruptible honor and integrity. A clause was then inserted in the will, unknown to me, by which I was to succeed to your property, and the remainder to be distributed in charitable donations, if Alphonso should not make his appearance. Meanwhile I was appointed executor in concert with the Governor of this city. This will, by her directions, was opened immediately after the burial of her remains, which were deposited close to the supposed murder ed body, in your family vault. I have now to lament, that I left directions with the corregidors of all the principal cities and towns to detain Alfonso wherever he should be found. I hope my friendship will plead my excuse,