Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/222

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custody of two Alguazils, who had escorted him all the way from Medina Sidonia, where he had been stopped on suspicion of being the murderer, and conducted to Alcantara to clear up all doubts of my being alive. We paid the expences attending his convoy, and both Don Antonio and I, offered him an handsome indemnity in money for the unjust persecution he had suffered, but he generously declined the recompence, and bestowing the highest encomiums upon the friendship and vigilant love of justice of Don Antonio, declared, that under similar circumstances, had he been Don Antonio, he would have strictly acted in the same manner.

At this juncture Count Selami, a Major in the same regiment to which I belonged, left the army owing to his father's death, whom he succeeded in his title and fortune. My acquaintance with him commenced at the royal military school, and our intimacy grew stronger as we advanced in years. He had heard of my misfortunes, and came purposely from Toledo to manifest his condolence at my losses. He staid for several weeks at my