Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/289

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envy my happiness, and had recourse to all the powers of the art of pleasing to insinuate himself in the good graces of my Adela. The latter deemed him very amiable and frankly told him so. Often have I felt sudden starts of jealousy, but then she would treat me with such tenderness, as to obliterate again every trace of that unhappy passion from my heart.

The count had made us promise to stay with him at least for some weeks; but these were soon commuted into months. By degrees Adela's natural seriousness returned to her mind; The count, old and infirm as he was, still loved the chace, to which Bernardos and Fernandos constantly accompanied him.

Adela and I were fondest of the pleasures of gardening, which afforded us the best opportunity of being undisturbed together. I soon felt, that the part of a brother which the count had allotted to me, became intolerable to my captivated senses. The name of a sister, entitled her to those familiarities which will distract the lover, I found friendship in her heart as well as in her mouth, but neither of them ever betrayed the least symptom of