Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/296

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it the natural effect of melancholy, I would not disturb his intercourse with my Adela, in whose presence he always behaved with the utmost propriety and politeness. My spouse satisfied with the knowledge I had of Fernandos, permitted him a free access, and received his attentions as the result of his friendship for us both. Selami and Bernardos endeavoured, however, to check his harmonious intimacy with my spouse, which only served to irritate him. He now sought Adela's company more than ever, and his conduct appearing rather singular, Selami and Bernardos thought it their duty to apprize me of the impressions it had made on them and the public in general. I laughed at their suspicions, but promised them to mention the matter to my spouse, at the first opportunity.

One night having bid her a good night and retired to my chamber to go to bed, she came to me quite drest, and, with tears in her eyes, held a paper in her hand.

"What have you got there, my dear," said I, ordering Alfonso to withdraw.