Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/304

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stretched out in listless thoughfulness beneath the great linden-tree, I was surprised by the apparition of the same being clad in white whom you call your Genius, and who had eluded our pursuit some months ago at the masked ball. He held a dagger in his hand; I was struck with terror, unprovided with arms, and in a posture, which even denied me the least chance of defending myself from any attack that might have been made upon me. "Hear me Fernandos," whispered the being, in gentle accents, "I am not your enemy, though you once sought my life, You love Adela, and I am sure that your passion will be crowned: with all the success it merits, if you send her an assignation to meet" you at eight o'clock tomorrow night, near this spot." I was deeply studying what answer I should make, when the Genius, profiting by my reverie, stole away, and suddenly disappeared.

"I obeyed the treacherous summons, and repairing in due time to the appointed place, found instead of Adela, a man, and mistaking him for the impostor, was going,