Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/306

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I am resolved to quit Paris in a few days, and renounce the intercourse with the friend of my youth, and the rest of a company, that I shall never cease to remember with affection and respect."

I embraced my friend, exclaiming deeply moved, "dear Fernandos, all is forgiven?"

This moment Adela came to tell us Alfonso wished for our immediate attendance. Our curiosity made us instantly comply, and we hastened back, in eager expectation of a speedy disclosure of the most important secrets.

Bernardos had raised Alfonso from his pillow, he surveyed us all with an eloquent mien, then applying his hand to the wound, which seemed to give him great pain, he fixed his eyes towards Heaven. His countenance appeared entirely changed, and I hardly knew him again.

"I thank you, madam," began he, laying hold of my wife's hand, "I thank you for your kind care; I thank you even for the cause of my approaching dissolution, and still more for your fidelity to your husband.