Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/308

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of fortune and affluence, to follow and protect my dear nephew, in this humble disguise. Your mother vowed to your grandfather whom a long train of misfortunes had driven to become the second chief of the mighty Covenant, to leave her first-born-under the influence of our order, and I promised to be your guide and Genius ere you beheld the light. Our designs were your happiness, I swore it solemnly to my late sister, whose love to you could never exceed mine. I lived for my Carlos, and now I die for him!"

"Dear uncle," cried I, "now I recognize your benefits, but it is too late to shew you my gratitude!" At these words, which tears and sobs would scarcely permit me to articulate, I embraced him with tenderness and gloomy despair.

Adela, Fernandos and Bernardos seemed equally touched, and Fernandos kneeling asked my uncle's pardon.

"Be not afflicted, young man," continued Don Diego, "though you have killed him who only wished to preserve you from dan-