Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/313

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observing that this will would be found among his papers at my seat near Alcantara.

He now began to struggle with the last agonies of death. "My eyes grow dim," cried he, with a deep groan, "my sight vanishes—Farewel Carlos.—I leave you my whole soul!—Farewel Adela,—Farewel all!"—At these words a slight cough drowned his speech, and he instantly expired.

Two days after we buried his remains in the cemetery of St. Sulpice, and the Spanish Ambassador and several Spaniards of distinction followed him with due solemnity to the grave.

I now saw the reason, why my mother, on receiving the news of my assassination, had made the then obscure Alfonso, heir of the whole bulk of our fortune.


In less than a fortnight subsequent to this catastrophe, Don Fernandos took leave of me and Adela, and retired with her father