Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/360

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piness, now do with a single drop? Do you think my glowing heart can cool itself with wretched illusions?—No, man of my soul, Adela has wantonly abridged the career of her blissful felicity. Death is now the only thing that remains for her. Yes—I'll die nobly. I have lost your heart, but will not forfeit your esteem.—Grant me the farewel-embrace!—Alas! Carlos, never shall I see thee again!"

I knew not what reply to make. I did not wish to give her too much hope, and yet my heart was bleeding. My senses were confused at being so near to her bosom, whose throbbing I was too well acquainted with. Her dying charms, the deadly paleness of her cheeks, her sad lingering eyes most sensibly touched the very strings of my heart.

—"Despair of nothing Adela," quoth I, "perhaps the future still keeps in store for us a thousand events. Who knows, where it may bring us together again? Time effaces most impressions, the bad in them vanishes, and nothing but the good stays behind."

—"No, no, I will not have these hopes.