Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/368

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former familiarity with Caroline was restored. I now found, that her face was not half so much deformed as it appeared to me at first sight, its marks certainly formed a very disagreeable contrast with the remaining traces of its pristine smoothness, but the natural delicacy of her features might be said to have resisted every attack of the evil. Her mouth was till fresh and rosy, her eyes sparkled more sentiment, and a sickly paleness spread a delightful languor over face.

There was an irresistible spell in her conversation. Her voice in Siren-accents expressed the sensibility of her heart, which was tinctured with an air of soft melancholy. Those that loved her once, could now have adored her. Her maternal fondness of the pledge of her confort's love was quite exemplary, and served to give the finishing touch to her various accomplishments.

The count assigned the same apartments to me, which I had occupied before, and heard my late misfortunes with all that sympathetic concern, which characterizes a heart