Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/370

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attributed it to some physical defeat in her system, and expressed his desire of having the advice of her physician on the subject. He added, that ever since her lying-in she had betrayed various symptoms of that latent distemper which he declared to consist in an inward agitation, and that he thought travelling would prove the most efficacious remedy to cure her of it. So next year," concluded he, "we shall make the tour of Italy, and I hope you will be one of the party."

I gladly assented to my friend's proposal, though I did not think it a proper remedy to eradicate his wife's disease, My heart made me, I don't know why, despair of its efficacy. Whenever I was alone with Caroline she would fix her longing looks on me, and what I thought most strange, was, her having never enquired after Adela, nor asked the cause of our separation. The count, I was sure, had kept his promise to me, in not opening his lips upon the latter subject.

Autumn came. Our neighborhood grew livelier by the inhabitants of the city retiring