Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/391

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with a passion in her breast more ardent than her own, what must have been the result of the company of two women, who in the heat of their temper, and the excess of their ungratified feelings, might have been capable of every mischief? I also considered, that Adela's returning affection towards me, would perhaps rouse Caroline's jealousy. From these reflections I thought it best to prevail on my friend to let me go to Seville, where I intended personally to found Adela's state of mind, and then decide with him the project of sending or not sending his Caroline to the same place.

He approved of my resolution, and I set out accordingly. Arrived at Seville, I went to an inn, not far from the convent of the Penitent Sisters, where I painted my face, eye-brows and mouth, put a large plaister on my right eye, dressed myself in the disguise of a servant, wearing the livery of the domesticks of the governor of Alcantara, and took a letter written and sealed by me to Adela, to acquaint her with a speedy visit from Countess Caroline Selami.