Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/396

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returned she sighing, "but he does often lavish his kindness on the ungrateful "

—"The world abounds with them, madam."

Here her eyes swelled with tears, but the inward consciousness of her guilt made her hide them and she turned aside to wipe them off.

—"Do you see him often?"

—"Very often."

—"Then you are more fortunate than I!"

—"Why Madam? you will see him once, and then continue with him for good."

—"God bless you for this good prophecy. Should I ever leave this convent, I'll remember it to your advantage. But now take this small present for your message."

Here she handed me a double pistole in gold, through the bars of the window, I eagerly seized her hand and kissed it, and while I was stooping and holding it fast, I pulled a small diamond ring which she well knew, off my finger, and put it on that on which she wore her wedding-ring. I then quickly turned round to be gone. She did