Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/40

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"Countess Elmira Dacosta is hereby warned against Don Carlos de Leranden, who means to seduce her."


"Where did you find it?" asked I somewhat alarmed.

"In my prayer-book."

"Do you know the hand?"

"No, but I suspect it. Let me tell thee a secret, Carlos. It is long since such mysterious papers have been circulating throughout Spain. Nobody knows the writing, and the writers interfere and govern all private transactions. You must, doubtless, have heard the story of Count Orello, who eloped with a young lady, without the consent of her parents, and those unknown Caballists. A week after, they were both found lifeless in the nuptial bed. Don Hermez disagreed with his father, and disappeared after having murdered him by command of that dread cabal. They only write with blood, and three crosses are their signet.