Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/410

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duke set out to his villa, to give directions for finishing the preparations for the approaching fete.

I then went to inform the Inferior Council of the Republic, of the disagreement that had arisen between my friend and his grace. Burt I found somebody had got the start of me, and the information I gave, only corroborated the fact, and strengthened the general opinion of a duel being about to take place, Their reconciliation was a secret that had not transpired, and as the danger appeared very imminent the senators sent an order to the duke, to remain at his villa till farther notice, while the count as a foreigner, was obliged to give his parole not to leave the city in three days.

The whole went off wondrously well. The duke, almost bursting with rage, ruminated a long while in his mind, what could be the reason of this surprising mandate. He could not bear his honorable exile, disguised himself as a peasant at night, and returned to Venice. He did not wish immediately to go home, and loitered about several place