Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/42

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desire it. No country is too remote, no cottage too humble for thy Elmira. I will henceforth know no other duty but that of pleasing my Carlos and sweetening his hours. Shall it be so?"

I was holding the adorable creature fast to my beating heart, and had only power to utter faltering these words: "Ah! Elmira, I do not deserve thee,"

"And why should you not? Come, come. 'Tis love for love. In half an hour, the priest will be ready to unite us in everlasting bliss."

My heart was too big with joy. I could only lisp my soul-felt consent.

"Now, come!" said she, leading me down a secret flight of steps. We passed through a long winding gallery, till the stopt at a door, and giving a gentle knock, cried: "Holy father, I am ready." A friar came out, and silently led the way to the altar, where he Joined our hands and gave us the usual blessing.

I cannot forbear to mention one circumstance, which very much alarmed me during the performance of the ceremony. Thrice a shrill whistling pierced the echoing porch,