Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/421

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found the harlequin as boisterous as before, "Let us avoid him," said the dutchess, and retire to another apartment."

In our retreat, the count perceived a cross marked with chalk on my domino, which had probably been made at my entrance to distinguish me. He rubbed it off. We went into one of the gaming-rooms, and to our great surprise, found our harlequin sitting there with great composure at a pharo-table.

To be sure of his being the identical man we wanted, we gave him several of the signs agreed upon. He immediately rose, knew and so closely followed us, that we could not get rid of him for a moment all the remainder of the night.


On our return home we could not help taking these singular occurrences into the most serious consideration. We found all our plans frustrated one after another, and