Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/431

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The count fancied, that this trick-had been played us on purpose. He attempted to rise and attack the stranger, when I forcibly detained him, whispering into his ear, "Remember we are in Venice, and surrounded with dangers!"

He had lately purchased a beautiful Italia pointer, whom he took out with him where-ever he went. This animal, which was lying at his feet, got up to lick some of the liquor from the pavement. The Count, who was in a passion, kicked the poor beast, and rose, alledging, that it was very late and high time to be gone.

I followed him, but he was thirsty, and stopt at another coffee-house by the way to drink lemonade, The house being but thin of company, we tarried a little, when his dog began to make several strange leaps, foamed from the mouth, and shortly after dropt down dead. The Count who was very fond of the animal, was sadly vexed, and threw him into a canal, "It was strong poison, Marquis," said he. "Very strong.!" replied I, wrapping myself up shuddering, in my cloak.