Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/445

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spicion, we took care to pass for two Basque officers, belonging to a foreign regiment in the French service, who, owing to the revolutionary broils, had left France to make the tour of Spain and Italy, till the expected reduction of the democratic principles, which most of the kings of Europe were so busily employed with eradicating, should occasion our recal with the rest of the fugitives who left that country.

"Satisfied with this preliminary success, we returned to our house and gave a scrupulous account to Rosalia of all which had passed. By her directions, I paid a visit to the Governor of Alcantara, in the morning of the fifteenth of December, to whom I unravelled all I knew or had heard of the dangerous principles of the Cabal. His excellency having given me his word to observe the profoundest secrecy respecting the disclosure of so momentous an affair, invited Caroline, Rosalia and me to sup with him that evening, when Rosalia gave him all such farther information as it was not in my power to grant. The governor then acquainted us with the mea-