Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/55

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looks were stedfastly fixed on my countenance. I was at the same time attentively occupied with my reading.

At once I heard a loud scream. Terrified I cast up my eyes; Pedro sinks fainting from his chair, and a wan and woe-worn face rests on his shoulder, I felt it from my soul;—it was Francisca.

After kneeling for some time, she rose, and embraced my friend, who was somewhat better, "Tranquillize yourself," cried she, "my dear spouse, compose yourself to pardon a wife, that comes to bid you a last farewel."

His speech still failed him, but he gave her his hand,

"No, I thank you, Pedro," said she, after kissing his hand, "I will not deceive you a second time. A repentant, tormented wife, that wrested herself from her seducer at the moment when she was a going to be for ever undone asketh your blessing."

She now threw herself again at his feet.

—"No Francisca," returned he, "I take back this repentant wife to my bosom. Long