Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/60

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he, "she surely will return, and share my joys."

My principal care now was to divert his melancholy. We talked over the plan of going in search of the cavern in the forest. It was resolved to put it in execution in defiance of every diner that might thwart our design.

Having made every preparation, consistent with our safety, and determined to sell our lives at the dearest price, we allied forth one morning, and arrived at the hovel at midday. But it was empty, nor was there a single mark of a human vestige in the whole district. What could it mean? Pedro who had repented his rash enterprise all the way coming along, sought in this a frivolous presence, and finding me obstinate in the matter; rode off jeering, and left me behind.


When night drew on, the wind whirled howling through the foliage of the aged oaks; the cataracts of the sky poured