Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/71

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that brought me into it, by the influence you practise on circumstances? My family will miss me, of course. Ye know my father. Balance your danger with the value of my death. You have vowed me liberty and safety, by one of your members; ill betide those that do not keep their first vow!"

When I mentioned the person to whom I had entrusted my secret, the faces of the assembly grew more tranquil, I easily judged my life was safe, but felt vexed to find threats where I had only expected love.

"Fear not, Carlos," resumed the president; why should we wish to compel a person we truly love? Hear us but this hour; the next will find thee at liberty."

"I am all compliance, my father."

"Thou know'st our country, Thou must feel thyself aggrieved in the whole nation. All its states are confused, or rather extinguished in one, I mean despotism. The people are wretched slaves. Necessity brought this society together, and oppression rivets its bands. Necessity made it secret and solitary; a century rendered it wise. Experience guides