Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/90

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with them. The rest of my time was taken up with rural sports and amusements; a variety of objects diverted my imagination from constantly doating on the fair Rosalia. Only her corporeal attractions hung on my mind; as I had had no opportunity of judging her mental accomplishments. '

Don Pedro visited me as usual, and we spent the evenings together in friendly conversation. Often methought I perceived in him a profounder understanding than mine, and a more artful character than he wished me to discern. The deeper I studied the plans of the Cabal, the plainer I apprehended their system of acting, and foresaw their operations. On this account I suspected every word spoken by Pedro. The Cabal had left me some time for repose and the study of their mystic system. Two months had now elapsed, and thinking they had quite forgot me, I was preparing to return to Alcantara, where my family expected me with impatience, when an occurrence happened, which changed the direction of all the subsequent part of my life.