Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/98

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and found Francisca present, but she continued mute, reserved, shy, constantly blushing or tartling.—"Are you unwell, Madonna?" said I softly pressing her hand, which was as gently returned with a blush. —"She is quite a valetudinarian," replied Pedro in her stead; a flood of tears streamed from her eyes, and on her husband's giving her-a wank, she quickly retired.

"I don t know," continued Pedro, "what ails the filly creature."

"Perhaps you treat her too harshly my friend," returned I, "you never told me any of the particulars of the reception you gave her on her return; may be, it was not quite so flattering as she expected. There's surely something amiss in this point."

"I am sure there is not," answered he with a frown.

"Then, perhaps she, like most of the ladies, is fond of company. Let us give concerts and balls, and take care lest we lose her once more."

This candid hint made him boldly speak