Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/201

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CHAP. v. 21. INTRODUCTION. 187 Sea of Sicily is said to be 4500 stadia from Pachynus to Crete, and the same distance to Tasnarus in Laconia. 1 From the extremities of lapygia to the bottom of the Gulf of Corinth the distance is less than 3000 stadia, while from lapygia to Libya it is more than 4000. In this sea are the Islands of Corcyra 2 and Sybota, 3 opposite the coasts of Epirus ; and be- yond these, opposite the Gulf of Corinth, Cephallenia, 4 Ithaca, Zacynth, 5 and the Echinades. 6 21. Next to the Sea of Sicily, are the Cretan, Saronic, 7 and Myrtoan Seas, comprised between Crete, Argia, 8 and Attica. 9 Their greatest breadth, measured from Attica, is 1200 stadia, and their length not quite double the distance. Within are included the Islands of Cythera, 10 Calauria, 11 JEgina, 12 Salamis, 13 and certain of the Cyclades. 14 Adjacent to these arethe^Egean Sea, 15 the Gulf of Melas, 16 the Hellespont, 17 the Icarian and Carpathian Seas, 18 as far as Rhodes, Crete, Cnidus, and the commencement of Asia. [In these seas] are the Cyclades, the Sporades, and the islands opposite Caria, Ionia, and JEolia, as far as the Troad, namely, Cos, 19 Samos, 20 Chios, 21 Lesbos, 22 and Tenedos ; 23 likewise on the Grecian side as far as Macedonia and the borders of Thrace, Eubrea, 24 Scy- ros, 25 Peparethus, 26 Lemnos, 27 Thasos, 28 Imbros, 29 Samothra- cia, 30 and numerous others, of which it is our intention to speak in detail. The length of this sea is about 4000 stadia, or rather 1 From Cape Pachynus or Passaro to Cape Krio, the ancient Criu- metopon, on the western extremity of the Island of Crete, measures 4516 stadia of 700 to a degree. 2 Corfu. 3 Sibota, Sajades ; certain small islands between Epirus and Corcyra. 4 Cefalonia. 5 Zante. 6 The Curzolari Islands at the mouth of the Aspro-Potamo. 7 The Gulf of Engia. 8 A district of the Peloponnesus. 9 A part of the modern Livadia. 10 Cerigo. 11 Poro, or Poros, near the little Island of Damala, and connected to it by a sand-bank. 12 Egina or Engia. 13 Koluri. 14 Islands surrounding Delos. 15 Egio-Pelago. I8 The Gulf of Saros. 17 The Dardanelles. 1S The sea surrounding the Islands of Icaria and Carpathos, now Ni- karia and Scarpanto. 19 Stanko. Same. 21 Skio. Mytileni. 13 Tenedo. 24 Egripo, or Negropont. Skyro. 26 Probably Piperi ; others suppose it to be Skopelo or Pelagonesi. 27 Stalimene. Thaso. 29 Imbro. 30 Samothraki.