Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/215

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CHAP. v. 37-39. INTRODUCTION. 201 portion of Gedrosia occupied by the Ichthyophagi, and India ; and on the other side l the countries situated south of Gyrene by rather less than 5000 stadia. 37. In all the countries situated between the tropic and the equatorial circle, the shadows fall [alternately] on either side, north and south. In those which are north of Syene and beyond the summer tropic the shadows at mid-day fall to the north. The former are called amphiscii, the latter hete- roscii. There is also another method of determining what places are under the tropic, which we spoke of in our observ- ations on the zones. The soil is sandy, arid, and produces nothing but silphium, while more to the south the land is well irrigated and fertile. 38. In the countries situated about 400 stadia south of the parallel of Alexandria and Cyrene, where the longest day con- sists of fourteen equinoctial hours, Arcturus passes the zenith, slightly declining towards the south. At Alexandria at the time of the equinox the proportion which the gnomon bears to the shadow is as five to seven. 2 Thus they are south of Carthage 1300 stadia, that is, admitting that in Carthage at the time of the equinox the proportion which the gnomon bears to the shadow is as eleven to seven. This parallel on the one side 3 passes by Cyrene and the regions 900 stadia south of Carthage as far as. the midst of Maurusia; 4 and on the other side 5 through Egypt, 6 Crelosyria, Upper Syria, Babylonia, Susiana, 7 Persia, 8 Carmania, 9 Upper Gedrosia, 10 and India. 39. AtPtolemais in Phoenicia, 11 and at Sidon 12 and Tyre, 13 the longest day consists of fourteen hours and a quarter. These cities are north of Alexandria by about 1600 stadia, and north of Carthage about 700. In the Peloponnesus, and about the middle of Rhodes, at Xanthus 14 in Lycia, or a little to the south of this place, and at 400 stadia south of Syracuse, 15 the longest day consists of fourteen and a half equinoctial hours. These places are distant from Alexandria 3640 stadia .... I The west. - Kramer follows Gosselin in proposing to substitute rpi'a in place of tTrra. 3 The west side. 4 Algiers and Fez. 5 The eastern side. e Lower Egypt is intended. 7 Khosistan. 8 The modern province of Pars. Kerman. 10 Upper Mekran. II S. Jean d' Acre. 12 Seide. " Tsur. 14 Eksenide. 15 Siragusa