Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/218

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204 STRABO. B. ii. c. v. 43. south, as amongst those who inhabit the other temperate zone. This occurs in all those regions where the arctic circle is less than the tropic. Where however it becomes the same as or greater than the tropic, this shows the commencement of the periscii, who extend thence to the pole. In regions where the sun remains above the horizon during an entire revolution of the earth, the shadow must evidently have turned in a com- plete circle round the gnomon. On this account he named them periscii. However they have nought to do with geo- graphy, inasmuch as the regions are not habitable on account of the cold, as we stated in our review of Pytheas. Nor is there any use in determining the size of this uninhabitable region, [it is enough to have established] that those countries, having the tropic for their arctic circle, are situated beneath the circle which is described by the pole of the zodiac l in the [diurnal] revolution of the earth, and that the distance be- tween the equator and the tropic equals four-sixtieths of the great circle [of the earth]. 1 The pole of the ecliptic.