Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/298

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284 SIR ABO. CASAUB. 190. being found in diggings scarcely beneath the surface of the earth, the remainder consisting of dust and lumps, which like- wise require but little working. In the interior and moun- tainous parts [of Aquitaine] the soil is superior ; for instance, in the district near the Pyrenees belonging to the Con venae, 1 which name signifies people assembled from different countries to dwell in one place. Here is the city of Lugdunum, 2 and the hot springs of the Onesii, 3 which are most excellent for drinking. The country of the Auscii 4 likewise is fine. 2. The nations between the Garonne and the Loire an- nexed to the Aquitani, are the Elui, 5 who commence at the Rhone. After these the Vellaei, 6 who were formerly com- prehended amongst the Arverni, 7 but now form a people to themselves. After these Arverni come the Lemovices, 8 and Petrocorii, 9 and after them the Nitiobriges, 9 the Cadurci, 9 and the Bituriges, 9 surnamed Cubi. Along the ocean we meet with the Santoni, and Pictones, 10 the former dwelling by the Garonne, as we have stated, and the latter by the Loire. The Ruteni and the Gabales ! l are in the vicinity of the Narbonnaise. The Petrocorii and Bituriges-Cubi possess excellent iron- wor^s, the Cadurci linen-factories, and the Ruteni silyer- mines : the Gabales likewise possess silver-mines. On certain amongst the Aquitani the Romans have conferred the rights of Latin cities ; such for instance as the Auscii, and the Convenae. , fflP-l.fif. 3. The Arverni are situated along the Loire. Nempssus,

  • 0 their metropolis, is built on the same river. 12 This river having

. ^ flowed past Genabum, 13 an emporium of the Carnutes, 14 situated about the"nnddle^Fits course, discharges itself into the ocean. A great proof of the jormjer_ower of the Arverni, is the fact of th^fr^qu^ntjwars which they sustained against the Romans., I The Canton of Comminges. 2 St. Bertrand. 3 Xylander thinks that these Onesii may be identical with the Monesi of Pliny. Gosselin says that the hot springs are probably the baths of Bagnieres-sur-PAdour. * The territory of the city of Auch. 5 The inhabitants of Vivarais. 6 The inhabitants of Velai. r The inhabitants of Auvergne. 8 The Limousins. 9 The inhabitants of Perigord, Agenois, Querci, and Berri. 10 The inhabitants of Saintonge and Poitou. II The inhabitants of Rouergue and Gevaudan. 12 Gosselin supposes that this city is Clermont in Auvergne at some dis- tance from the Allier. 13 Orleans. u The people of the Chartrain.